Because I Love Birch Trees

On A Day In February A new knock knock knock against the wall (he wind is blowing,  I should mention that)   for two decades the birch tree  in the backyard has leafed and thickened stretched to reach… Read More

One Poem. One Planet. April 27, 2017

Inside the red canyons of the human heart 724 trillion blood cells
fly by carrying their bead of oxygen

One Poem. One Planet. April 24, 2017


One Poem. One Planet. April 20, 2017

Who am I to say
what is impossible?

One Poem. One Planet. April 16, 2017

Sheila’s mane was silver and her tail flowed like water when she ran.

One Poem. One Planet. April 15, 2017

Two miles away the enemy’s child turned to see
her flash of light and felt his eardrums shatter

One Poem. One Planet. April 14, 2017

Now is the weight in the hand of ripened daylight

One Poem. One Planet. April 12, 2017

She draws the outline
of Africa
in the air between us

One Poem. One Planet. April 11, 2017

Who can see us?

One Poem. One Planet. April 9, 2017

I lived the pastoral summer with her in the squat house
in the middle of the field where the sky
liked to rest its heavy blue foot